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      根據《上海市教育委員會關於開展大學英語教學改革試點工作的通知》(滬教委高〔2013〕2號)的精神👩‍👧,上海高校大學英語教學指導委員會決定舉辦第五期學術英語 教師培訓🧑🏼‍🔧,現將有關事項通知如下:




    1. 培訓由各申報大學英語教學改革試點的高校推薦2名教師參加🚪👃🏻。非大學英語教學改革試點的高校推薦1名教師參加。培訓時間為2013年9月29日。
    2. 本次培訓,我們邀請國際上尤其是亞洲地區的學術英語教學專家Shahid Abrar-ul-Hassan、Laurence Anthony以及國內較早開展學術英語的教師擔任培訓師。
    3. 培訓為期一天(2013年9月29日)🧱,上下午共四場,每場90分鐘,具體為🧝🏼‍♂️:
      09:30-09:50  報到
      10:00-11:30  Shahid: How to motivate ESP learners?
      13:15-14:45  Laurence: Designing, Teaching, and Evaluating ESP Courses in Critical Discussion and Debate: An Example from Science and Engineering
      14:45-16:15  Shahid: Teaching writing skills: Strategies for ESP practitioners
      16:30-18:00  楊苗: Academic competencies as the objectives of language-content integration: Shifting from General English towards English for General Academic Purposes
    4. 地點: 意昂平台(邯鄲路220號) 光華樓 東輔樓103報告廳


      Email咨詢👦:jxcj@fudan.edu.cn 主題:學術英語教師培訓


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      Shahid Abrar-ul-Hassan, PhD, is a seasoned language educator (ESL/EFL) and professional developer, especially in the EFL setting in Asia. He is currently working at Sultan Qaboos University in Muscat, Oman, where he teaches EAP courses, works as a writing consultant, and practices as an IELTS examiner (University of Cambridge certified). He contributes to professional development and academic research projects internationally. Also, he is serving on the Advisory Committee for the TESOL Certificate program in the College of Education, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO, USA.

      Shahid has long been associated with TESOL International Association as a leader. He is a Past Chair of ESP Interest Section, and at the Board’s invitation, he serves on TESOL’s Professional Development Committee. He was elected to the Nominating Committee in the 2011 TESOL general election. Moreover, he is a Section Editor of TESOL Journal (TJ), a top-tier practitioner-oriented journal, and a proposal reviewer for TESOL conventions.

      Shahid is an alumnus of the Monterey Institute of International Studies (California, USA), where he completed graduate studies in TESOL, language program administration, and CALL. He was a recipient of the British Council’s Charles Wallace Fellowship for his doctoral research in ESP in the UK. He was also awarded the coveted Fulbright Fellowship (US Department of State) for professional education in the USA. A Best Teacher award for excellence in research was bestowed on him by Sultan Qaboos University in 2010.

      His professional areas of interest comprise applied linguistics research, learner motivation, the ecological approach to L2 learning, professional development (also, INSET), and authentic assessment. The latest on his publication list includes “A study of the motivational patterns of learners of English for Academic and Professional Purposes” (TESOL Journal), “The effects of three teacher variables on the use of motivational strategies in EFL instruction” (Perspectives, TESOL Arabia), “Revisiting the ins and outs of ESP practice” (Academic and Professional English, IATEFL ESP Journal), “Language development hinges upon communication: An emergentist perspective” (TESOL Journal), “Word of the day” (The CATESOL Journal), “Nativized varieties of English and the linguistic identity: A case of Indian English speakers” (The Journal of Asia TEFL), “Learner motivation in language teaching” (Essential Teacher, TESOL), “Analyzing the use of motivational strategies by EFL teachers” (Malaysian Journal of ELT Research), and “Teachers’ professional development for quality education” (Oman Quality Network). In addition, he has published numerous articles on multiple subjects in international English newspapers. Dr Abrar-ul-Hassan has offered invited professional development sessions in Nepal, Oman, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand, and Turkey. And, he has presented at international conferences in many countries.

    Email: shahidabrar@yahoo.com

      Laurence Anthony is Professor of Educational Technology and Applied Linguistics at the Faculty of Science and Engineering, Waseda University, Japan. He has a BSc degree (Mathematical Physics) from the University of Manchester, UK, and MA (TESL/TEFL) and PhD (Applied Linguistics) degrees from the University of Birmingham, UK. He is a former director and the current technical English program coordinator at the Center for English Language Education (CELESE), Waseda University. His main interests include corpus linguistics tools development and English for Specific Purposes (ESP) program design and teaching methodologies. Professor Anthony received the National Prize of the Japan Association for English Corpus Studies (JAECS) in 2012 for his work in corpus software tools design. He has served as a guest editor for the English for Specific Purposes Journal and is a regular reviewer for both the English for Specific Purposes Journal and the Journal of English for Academic Purposes.

      YANG Miao (MA, Leeds University; PhD, the Chinese University of Hong Kong) is an associate professor of English and the director of the New College English Curriculum in the Foreign Languages Department, Shantou University Medical College. Her research interests include second language writing, English for Specific Purposes and curriculum development. She has published research articles in international journals such as Journal of Second language Writing and the Asian EFL Journal and has been invited to review manuscripts submitted to System, Linguistics and Education, and the Asian ESP Journal.



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